Monday, 12 November 2012


From the first civilizations on Earth everything revolves around Apples. Even today an Apple is a symbol for a healthy life. But on the other hand this fruit does not receive as much attention as it should.

We can buy Apples in every grocery shop, all year round. But these kinds of Apples must be handled with care. Because they are most likely sprayed with pesticides, we must give them a good wash before eating them. If we want to eat healthy apples it is best to get them from controlled plantations where they don`t use pesticides. Apples grown there might be smaller in size, but much healthier and natural.
I have been wondering, where do the most tasty and quality Apples grow. I`ve looked up some research done by experts and they determined, that the best Apples come from Slovenia. Even The Japanese and the Americans are fighting over them. The best pectin and extracts are produced from Slovenian Apples.
When I have stomach problems, I prepare myself Apple compote, because it moisturizes inflamed stomach and intestines.

When I get diarrhoea due to improper diet or maybe bowel inflammation, I grate some Apples and let them rest for ten minutes. Apples prepared that way regulate concentration of substances in the body. In the old days they even treated dysentery like that.

I eat Apples a lot when I have a weakened immune system, especially after a disease, because they contain several vitamins and minerals: pectin, iron, vitamin C and especially a lot of tannins, which eliminate the inflammation in the intestine, bind proteins and steal food from the bacteria, so that they are not feeding in our intestines.

A juice from two Apples and a lemon is a great persecutor of useless bacteria from the gut.

Each year, I also prepare dried Apples. Everyone in our family eats these Apples throughout the winter, when we exercise less. And they are a great substitute over potato chips or salted peanuts. You can also use finely chopped Apple wedges with teas such as rosehip with Apples and lemon, or lime tea with Apples and cinnamon.

Apples can be very useful in the kitchen. Just these days, I made a great Apple strudel. I made puff pastry, grated Apples, and added a little sugar, cinnamon and a little sour cream. Rolled it up in one big roll, greased with olive oil, and made some holes in the dough with a fork (so that it does not inflate), and bake in the oven until golden brown. Apple pie is also very good, which is made with short crust pastry.

Apples are most healthy eaten unpeeled as most valuable natural substances, are in the peal.

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