Sunday, 2 December 2012


Flax was already used thousand years ago for making cloth. Much later people realised that Flax has a lot of active substances, in that time it was a very popular laxative, but today no one used it for that purpose.  
Flaxseed contains a lot of minerals, like potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, fluorine, iodine, vitamin E and vitamin B6.

I use Flaxseeds for treatment of intestinal diseases, dental enamel and for the proper functioning of the immune system.
Against the closure we can eat one big spoon of Flaxseeds and then immediately drink 1 or 2 glass of water, after that in stomach seeds get bloated and start to affect the intestines, which speed up efficient drainage. Seeds can be put in yogurt or cottage cheese, and of course drink a lot of water, which is the best thing to do at breakfast.
When I have inflammation of the throat and strong cough, I do myself scald. I pour 2 spoons of Flaxseeds with 4 decilitres of boiling water and wait until scald gets lukewarm (around 40 degrees Celsius), then to improve the taste of it you can add lemon juice and honey. You drink this through the day.

Soaked Flaxseeds (which have been soaked through the night and release mucus) are used for alleviate gastritis and other mucous membrane inflammations. You can used it for losing weight, as we know it contains a lot of potassium, which drains water from the body and is responsible for the proper muscle functioning.

The main mineral constituents of bones are calcium. Flaxseed contains a lot of calcium (100 grams Flaxseeds have around 250 milligrams of calcium), that means that those seeds are the main supplier with it. But because it doesn’t contain vitamin D it is important to eat Flaxseeds with dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese, Kefir – cultured dairy product).

Flaxseed is great to consolidate the tooth enamel. For tooth decay the mayor cause for it is lack of fluoride, but Flaxseed contains maximum of it. To harden tooth enamel, we should just swallow Flaxseeds, but slowly chew them, with that we make a reaction and fluoride incorporate into enamel.

Flaxseed oil contains a lot of healthy fats, that’s why is used for treating prostate cancer. Fatty acids help to prevent that fat doesn’t accumulate in tissues.

Since Flaxseed has so many healing properties, we all should eat it in moderation. In organism will be the most effective, if we while eating seeds, drink a lot of water. On that we should pay particular attention.

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