When the first dandelion flowers start to
blossom, I know that spring is here. The people are happy to see it and bees as
well. In my opinion honey made from the dandelion flowers is the best. It is
thick, yellow and with many crystals.
In the spring and also during the year,
I often prepare myself dandelion tea, because it helps with bad digestion, strengthens
the stomach and the immune system. Fresh juice made from the grinded dandelion
leaves with a little water is the most efficient. I store it in the fridge and
drink it throughout the day.
When I feel bloated or when my body is
acidified due to sugary and fatty foods, I make myself tea from the dandelion
blossom. I pour boiling water over the blossoms, leave it a couple of minutes
and then drink it.When consuming dandelion regularly I find myself loosing quite some weight. Because dandelion is a diuretic it encourages the differentiation of urine, stool and bile acid. It contains a lot of potassium, so there is no danger of losing to much bodily fluids, like with the nettle, which is a huge advantage over other herbs.
I also remember that my mother used
dandelion milk which she squeezed out of the stalk to wash my eyes.
I use dandelion in
salads and for decoration throughout the year. Even in the late autumn days,
when there is no more salad on the garden and you have to go to buy it. You can
still go to the meadow, pick dandelion leaves and put them in the salad.
I also used the root from the dandelion
a couple of times when preparing coffee. The aroma was most interesting and
after a coffee with the root, the intestine quickly empties. I also dry the
roots and add them to different types of tea.
For the colder days I prepare myself
syrup out of the dandelion blossom.
I use dandelion
leaves through the whole year.