Sunday, 3 November 2013

WHITE SAGE PLANT - Salvia officinalis


·        It is an ancient medicinal plant, in year 1490, sage was ranked into the top of all the herbs;
·        people worshiped it as a sacred plant, so they gathered it after a special ceremony;
·        its name comes from the word salvare, which means to solve, heal;
·        people believed that it prolongs life and improves memory.

Sages character:
Healing effect on certain diseases:
lowers blood sugar
causes secretion of bile
eliminates cramps
a little spicy
reduces increased sweating in menopause
strengthens and stimulates the liver
contains essential oils
stops bleeding

prevents inflammation of the gums and throat

regulates digestive disorders

eases headaches

The use of sage leaves as/for:
infusion for gargling and mouthwash
pregnant women and epileptics should avoid it
problems in menopause
drink sage tea for 3 weeks
digestion problems
drink moderately, 3 tea cups a day
tea with milk for cough and asthma

in cosmetics as lotion and for skin cleansing

to darken gray hair

infusion for softer and silkier hair

the bouquets, which you put it in the closet with linen and other clothes (smell repells moths)

Tea preparation
Sage plant for cooking use
pour 200 ml/7 fluid ounce of hot water over
when you’re baking pork use some sage leaves,
1 teaspoon of sage (dried leaves),
it will improve flavour & helps digestion fatty foods
after 15 minutes, strain and drink

Tea with milk for cold:
    1 tablespoon of crystal sugar – caramelised,
    pour 200 ml/7 fluid ounce of milk,
    add 1 teaspoon of sage leaves,
    after it boils, put it on side to rest for 10 minutes, after that, drink it with teaspoon slowly.
    This tea is also recommended for children.

Saturday, 21 September 2013


I can’t imagine my garden without peppers. Sometimes I plant them in planters on the terrace. Those who grow peppers in greenhouses can harvest them through all year.

I usually grow little green and yellow peppers, because they are more strong and healthy.

Peppers contain a lot of natural active substances, like:

*vitamin C & A,




With 150 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams, peppers are one of the most important suppliers of vitamin C.

As we know vitamin C is necessary for strengthening of the immune system and circulatory system.

But remember: vitamin C is very sensitive to light and heat, so that’s why you shouldn’t cook or store it for too long, because with that peppers loose most of the vitamin C.
Peppers contain vitamin A, which is important for health of mucous membranes in the body, it acts as an antibiotic and protects tiny vessels from bacteria and cancer.

Red and yellow peppers, contains a lot of carotenoids.

The peppers substance is called Capsaicin, which prevents blood clotting and blood circulation disorders of heart attacks and strokes.

The peppers prevent headaches and migraines, powdered peppers contain a lot of Capsaicin, even more of it you’ll find in peppers seeds. That’s why it’s not good to cut and clean peppers too precisely.

It is the best to buy peppers on the marketplace and store it in refrigerator up to four days.

The smallest peppers are less fertilized and laden with chemicals.

In kitchen peppers are a real treasure, because you can make a delicious and healthy tasty tomato salad, they are also good as stuffed peppers, which can make it as a main dish.

Sunday, 26 May 2013


All who want a natural way to nurture and heal your skin, use cold-pressed Walnut oil.
* High in vitamin E, which protects the veins against aging of the skin and creates a protective layer, which acts alkaline and thereby moisturizes the skin,
* OMEGA-3 the fatty acids.
*Walnut oil purifies the blood and prevents acidity in the stomach and intestines.
[0]˛[0]Walnut Oil is great for WEIGHT LOSS, if you consume it (1 teaspoon) before a meal, you’ll get a feeling of fullness.
*I use Walnut oil as an ointment for spreading it over the legs against varicose veins. An ointment is recommended especially for older people who have a lot of wrinkles on the skin. After using oil the skin starts to regenerate faster.
*As a child I had very dry skin and after giving advice from my granny I started to nurture it with Walnut oil, which moisturizes skin & protect it from drying.
*Walnut oil quickly moves into the depth of skin so acidic proteins soon begin to change in the alkaline. At first sight skin becomes moister, tight & gets quickly renewed. It can be used on dry & damaged skin.
*Walnut ointment or oil also helps in agility joints, inflammation of muscles and joints.
When we want to have healthy hair without dandruff, spread the Walnut oil over your hair and leave it for a few hours, then wash hair normally with a suitable shampoo. After use the hair is healthier, more robust and has a nice silky shine, scalp faster restores. You can cover the hair with oil once a week.
Walnut oil cures CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, so it should be likely consumed especially by smokers.
Spread Walnut oil over your body in the summer when you’re tanning, especially if you’re prone to cellulite, because oil at the temperature from 35ºC/95ºF works alkaline, so fat under the skin begins to break down and are excreted in the urine. It is also the most suitable oil for protection against UV rays, but you still have to avoid the strongest sun and go under some shade provided by trees, big bush or umbrella, etc.
The oil soothes burns, itching, mouth sores, moisturizes the skin, it has a beneficial effect on gastric mucosa.
It also cures eczema, acne, lichen and other skin diseases.
I hope you find useful tips & information about Walnut oil.
Thank you for reading & have a great week. [°˛°]

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Spring primrose is one of the first that cheers and invites me among their yellow flowers.

In the past there were much more primroses as today, because people didn't use fertilizers for meadow.

In my childhood we were gathering primroses and we put the primrose neck into our mouth and blow in it, which produced a trumpet like sounds. The bigger the primrose was the louder was the sound it produced.

Our grannies used to apply ointments and distilled water for cosmetic purposes.

When I’m taking a walk on the meadow I usually pick up a primrose and blow in it to hear a funny sound, after that I eat it because it contains a lot of nectar. Blossom petals are very soothing I eat it when I’m very tense and upset.

Primroses work very well against colds with fever and opening respiratory, it also cures headache.

I quickly dry primrose blossoms and when I need it I use it to make herbal preparation from it. I boil water and pour it over blossoms and then drink it sip by sip.
Primroses contain vitamin C, so it is recommended to eat it if we suffer from pneumonia or for cleaning blood, kidneys and bladder.
Very useful are its roots, which we usually excavate after blooming starts to end. Once people used it for treating arthritis. I personally use it for the treatment of pulmonary/lung disease, especially bronchitis. Primrose roots also contain many of irritant chemicals which encourage cough.
Sometimes I make myself a tincture from primrose blossoms and use it when I’m tired or I can’t sleep.
I use primrose ointment when I get sun burnt.
Primrose oil is very effective for massaging joints, relieving headache (especially migraines).

NOTE: this beautiful yellow flower can be also dangerous. People that are sensitive to Aspirin and those who take blood-thinning medicines should avoid preparations of primrose.

Monday, 21 January 2013


Olives are fruits of the olive tree that certainly are among the most valuable healing fruits in the world, because people have always been using them in nutrition and medicine. Most of them are produced in the Mediterranean regions, more than 90%. They devote most of the produce for the oil production.

Olives differ by its colour, size, maturity as well with a lot of flesh and less oil and with less flesh and more oil. In gastronomy Olives are used with more flesh for preservation in jars, snacks, salads, additions to meals, drinks and decoration.
Olives contain a lot of active substances, like vitamin E, sodium, calcium and fluorine. They don’t contain a lot of vitamins but it’s still valid to say that 50 grams of Olives contain 100 micrograms of carotinoides.
Olives belong between the most important foods, which supply us with calcium. 50 grams of Olives contain about 40 milligrams of calcium.
Preserved olives contain sodium, mainly due to salt. 500 grams of preserved Olives, contains approximately 10,000 milligrams of sodium.

I have an acquaintance who grows Olives. That’s why I inquired with her about natural process for the production of high-quality Olive oil. Olives are hand-picked at around 25ºC (77ºF) and must be processed no more than 2 days after picking. Only the best fruits are used for making oil. For 1 litre of oil 10 kilograms of Olives must be picked. The procedures of oil are purely mechanical. Olive oil produced that way is very expensive and it deserves it to be. The oil produced by these processes is called unrefined – cold pressed extra virgin Olive oil. Acidy degree of oil is from 0 to 1.

In the kitchen I’m only using extra virgin Olive oil. Warm pressed/refined oil, according to rules it should be used to produce chemical products (lubricants, soaps, creams, etc.).
Olive oil can be used almost everywhere. One of the most long duration features of it is that it lowers the cholesterol level in blood, it’s easily digestible and therefore reduces the risk of cancer. It protects our heart and blood vessels because the acid composition in Olive oil is similar to acids in our body.

Hair tip
Olive oil is great for our damaged hair. I spread it all over my head and leave it for 20 minutes and then I wash my hair with shampoo, after the hair was washed and dried it is nicely glowing.

Skin tip
Olive oil is good for our skin, especially if it’s dry, because oil moisturizes the skin. After showering I don’t dry myself with a towel but I spread Olive oil on my skin right away and massage it, then I use the towel and dry myself. After that my skin is pleasantly soft.

Tip for Men
Men can use Olive oil like after shave lotion.
Olive oil can be also used if your hand skin is dry and cracked due to wind or cold.

Puppy tip

At home we have a puppy and I put some drops of Olive oil (several times a week) in to his food. After that his coat is nicely shiny.
I use olive oil for polishing wooden furniture as well as for cleaning leather.

I’m especially pleased that Olive oil is the only oil that we can use it the way that nature gave us. All other oils must be further processed.

How to know if you have the real Olive oil and not fake one?
The real/natural Olive oil is similar to mushy juice and that’s why it’s easily to wash it off your hands with warm water. If you have to soap, wash your hands several times and after that you notice that you have still oily hands, then this is the sign that this oil was chemically/heat treated.
Despite Olive oils known health benefits, it’s still neglected. Among all of the oils, Olive oil is consumed only 4%. Most of the Olive oil is consumed in the Mediterranean.

Olives and Olive oil prevent the following diseases:

- Disruption of blood circulation
- Cholesterol
- Constant fatigue
- Cardiovascular disease
- Poor resistance
- Building better bones and teeth (in children)
- Lung disease

Olive oil storage
Olive oil should be storaged in dark bottles and placed in a dark space at a temperature 12ºC/53.6ºF, which shouldn’t fall below it.
Maximum satisfaction of many people is to live healthy as much as possible, that’s why we should all use those golden drops of Olive oil in our everyday diet.